Denver Post Employee Volunteers Make a Difference

The Denver Post ACTS – Assisting the Community Through Service, employee volunteers with their family and friends  have been busy over the summer. Signing up once again to be part of the AMP the Cause Community Day, the team selected the Ronald McDonald House – Denver as the location of service. After making hundreds of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and putting together readily available to-go grab bags, the ACTS group deep cleaned the house from front to back.
The Denver Public Library Friends Foundation’s Summer Used Book Sale was the next project of re-sorting thousands of books getting everything ready for the popular public sale.
The last ACTS project of the summer was collecting school supplies for the Stuff the Bus campaign for homeless students attending a Denver Public School. MEED (Minority Enterprise & Educational Development) organizes this drive to collect backpacks and school supplies each year and distributes the supplies in the fall.
Thanks to the creativity of the three employees pictured on the left and their team, the Stuff the Bus Carnival took place to raise money to purchase school supplies. Denver Post employees generously donated over $1,700 through this Carnival. With additional supplies donated from employees, well over $2,000 was spent on much needed supplies for less fortunate students.